Remote Learning Archive

*December 2020*

Reporting symptoms over holidays

*November 2020*

Closure update 09.11.2020

Closure Notice UPDATE

Notice of Closure

*October 2020*

Public Health Letter Oct20

*September 2020*

Home Learning Information 1

Home Learning Information 2

Covid quick reference absence guide

Home School Agreement – Revised

Quick read coronavirus reminders.


*July 2020* Information regarding full return to school in September 2020 can be found here – September 2020 Return to School Information

Parent information for collection of reports on 16th July – End of Term Arrangements Parent Letter


Below are some documents for parents explaining our planning and risk assessments for the reopening of school on 15th June 2020 for Years 6, 1, Reception and key worker children.

Infant Return to School Letter

Junior Return to School Letter

Home School Agreement – this document has now been updated, see above.


We have produced a video showing you what school will look like when you return and how we are ensuring your safety – here.


Please see below documentation regarding the postponement of school reopening from 1st to 15th June.

School Reopening Update – 27/05/2020

Home Learning Activities

You will find here any tasks, challenges or information from teachers for home learning. New activities will be uploaded by Monday morning of each week.

General Information

This is a nice time capsule activity to complete during lockdown: Time Capsule Covid-19

Key Stage 1 (R/Y1/2)

Home Learning – Before Easter

Week 1 – Reception

Week 1 – Year 1

Week 1 – Year 2

Week 2 – Reception

Week 2 – Year 1

Week 2 – Year 2

Week 3 – Reception

Week 3 – Year 1

Week 3 – Year 2

Week 4 – Reception

Week 4 – Year 1

Week 4 – Year 2

Week 5 – Reception

Week 5 – Year 1

Week 5 – Year 2

Week 6 – Reception

Week 6 – Year 1

Week 6 – Year 2

Week 7 – Reception

Week 7 – Year 1

Week 7 – Year 2

Week 8 – Reception

Week 8 – Year 1

Week 8 – Year 2

Week 9 – Reception

Week 9 – Year 1

Week 9 – Year 2

Week 10 – Reception

Week 10 – Year 1

Week 10 – Year 2

Week 11 – Reception

Week 11 – Year 1

Week 11 – Year 2

5th and 6/11/20 – Reception

5th and 6/11/20 – Year 1

5th and 6/11/20 – Year 2

9th and 10/11/20 – Reception

9th and 10/11/20 – Year 1

9th and 10/11/20 – Year 2

11th-13/11/20 – Reception

11th-13/11/20 – Year 1 & 2

Lower Key Stage 2 (Y3/4)

Home Learning – Before Easter

Week 1 – Y3/4

Week 2 – Y3/4

Week 3 – Y3/4

Week 4 – Y3/4

Week 5 – Y3/4

Week 6 – Y3/4

Week 7 – Y3/4

Week 8 – Y3/4

Week 9 – Y3/4

Week 10 – Y3/4

Week 11 – Y3/4

5th and 6/11/20 – Year 3/4

9th and 10/11/20 – Year 3/4

11th-13/11/20 – Year 3/4

Upper Key Stage 2 (Y5/6)

Home Learning – Before Easter

Week 1 – Y5/6

Week 2 – Y5/6

Week 3 – Y5/6

Week 4 – Y5/6

Week 5 – Y5/6

Week 6 – Y5/6

Year 6 – Transition Resource

Week 7 – Y5/6

Week 8 – Y5/6

Week 9 – Y5/6

Week 10 – Y5/6

Week 11 – 5/6

5th and 6/11/20 – Year 5/6

9th and 10/11/20 – Year 5/6