At Hutton Henry we recognise that art and design, for most children, is a natural form of expression as well as being a source of enjoyment and pleasure which can stimulate creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences which can engage, inspire and challenge children equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Our curriculum is planned so that children can develop their creative and imaginative talents through learning skills and techniques using a variety of material and tools.
The children make use of their sketch books to collect information and ideas and record initial ideas and techniques. They also develop the skills to enable them to refine their techniques and as a result the final outcome.
Children also gain knowledge of different forms of art and discuss the cultural, historical and social contexts of art. They learn about the work of artists, craft makers, designers and sculptors making links between these and their own work. Our art and design curriculum enables our children to be creative and to be artists and allows them to appreciate and evaluate the work of a range of artists from their own and other cultures and other periods in history.
We follow bespoke unit plans for teaching art and design. Art and design is taught across the school and the curriculum is well planned across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2 . There is particular focus on the development of painting, drawing and 3D art ( sculpture) across all key stages with a wide range of opportunities for children to become proficient in a range of media.
Art and Design is a creative subject and links with who we are as individuals, what we see around us and how we interpret this as well as what we create using our hands. This links with science where children explore the natural world of form, colour and pattern. Links between art and maths are made when children describe shapes, measure and draw often using rulers, protractors and compasses. In addition, symmetry is used in both maths and art and design. Children make links between art, RE history and geography as they learn about ancient cultures and civilizations.
However, art and design lessons should always focus on the National Curriculum and although content from other areas can enhance the learning art and design must remain the main focus.
Ongoing assessments take place throughout the year based on work in sketchbooks and pupil dialogue. Teachers use this information to inform future lessons; ensuring children are supported and challenged appropriately. Teachers make a judgement at the end of each term as to whether each pupil has or has not met the standards expected for that term’s objectives. This data is then analysed to inform and address any trends or gaps in attainment.