A range of support is in place for children within school.
Within the school day we value the children and the part they can play in school life. This sense of belonging through “ key person” time and our “ committee structure” nurtures the voice of all of our children and enables them to feel valued.
In addition to this warm ethos, we work closely with the Piece of Mind Team who provide support on a range of issues such as anxiety, confidence, friendships etc through whole class and small group sessions. These sessions are planned to respond to the need of the cohorts in school.
We have a school councillor ( Carol Gash ) who provides “ drop in “ support for children as well as acting on referrals made to her from the head teacher. As a familiar face in school this support can be targeted based on need..
Referrals to outside agencies , including the Emotional Wellbeing team ( EWEL) can offer advice and support to children based on their specific circumstances and needs.