PE Long Term Plan
Progression of Skills – Athletics
Progression of Skills – Dance
Progression of Skills – Games
Progression of Skills – OAA
Progression of Skills – Gymnastics
At Hutton Henry CE Primary School, the intent of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activities (PESSPA) is to give all children the time to develop the tools and understanding that are required to make a positive impact in their own physical health and well-being. We recognise the importance of delivering high quality PE, therefore we want to give every child the opportunities and experiences, in a varied curriculum including those adventurous activities such as climbing, kayaking and gorge walking. While at times this can be challenging, this diverse approach can enable children to succeed and promote self-confidence, resilience, creativity, problem solving and teamwork. This approach can help all children cope with success and failure in competition, as an individual and also as part of a team, which will help them develop into a more emotionally stable and robust child. We intend to use the Sports Premium Funding effectively and monitor the impact it has on the children.
The PE curriculum is taught through the Get Set 4 PE, which is in line with the National Curriculum expectations.
Children need practical skills to participate, compete and lead a healthy active lifestyle. To enable this all children will attend weekly PE sessions alongside the outdoor adventure learning days provided by an external provider. Each area is planned out to show clear learning that develops over time from EYFS to Year 6. Knowledge and skills are progressive, each Key Stage is allocated clear areas of learning that must be covered. Through the teaching of defined units of work, knowledge will be revisited, creating layers of learning that helps become embedded. Depth of study is valued and time is provided to allow learning to be meaningful.
All children have the opportunity to participate in PESSPA at their own level of development, with teachers ensuring that lessons cater for individual needs.
The key knowledge and skills of each topic are mapped progressively across each year group. This ensures that children develop their knowledge of the following areas:
- Explore and practice skills which improve competence.
- Experience positive competition with a strong focus being placed on developing good sporting attitudes.
- Development of control of body movement and core strength to enable children to improve the quality of travelling and balancing in terms of shape, speed and direction.
- Refine and review their own practice and that of others.
- Move imaginatively and respond to a range of stimuli including music.
- Consider rhythm, speed, level and direction.
- Express feelings and ideas through patterns of movement.
- Create and perform dances.
- Explore dances from other times, places and cultures.
- Delivered by Durham County swimming instructors.
- Opportunities provided to learn water safety skills, develop confidence in the water and learn to swim effectively, introducing recognisable swimming strokes.
- During KS2 children will have a series of structured swimming sessions.
- Games activities will be incorporated into athletics in summer term.
- Opportunity to experience and practice running, jumping and throwing.
- Measure and compare performances.
Outdoor Adventure Activities
The provision of structured opportunities allows children to flourish and learn through first-hand experiences in the local environment. These experiences are delivered by a qualified outdoor specialist who challenges the children and allows them to gain confidence in acquiring new skills such as climbing, canoeing orienteering and gorge walking. The development of skills follows an age-appropriate curriculum from Years 1-6, allowing the skills learnt in year 1 to follow a natural progression through to year 6, which builds upon previous knowledge and enables these skills to be deeply embedded and practised.
Reception children follow their own outdoor curriculum and have unlimited access to outdoor provision which enables them to practise the develop both their fine and gross motor skills ready to participate in outdoor sessions in year 1. Additionally, KS 2 children are given the opportunity to participate in residential trips where they can gain and new skills, challenge themselves, and further understand and embed the skills gained in previous outdoor sessions.
School has embedded a wide range or learning outside the classroom within our curriculum. We believe that adventure and exploration is a critical part of children’s development. We want children to be provided with rich learning experiences that might take them out of their comfort zones, so they become risk takers, inquisitive and be fascinated in exploring the unknown.
Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) are taught, developed and practise in EYFS at the start their school year but these skills are woven into lessons throughout their primary education. Also, in EYFS children participate in a Balance Biking programme which will build strength and coordination as well as develop their core strength.
Specialist teachers are used to deliver some units of PE for both Key Stages.
School has embedded the Durham Active 30 initiative which involves teachers delivering active blasts during the school day and children attending the daily mile activity, along with active playtimes.
Children are encouraged to participate in exercise through-out the day during Physical Exercise, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA). Older children become leaders and help support the extracurricular activities as well as becoming members of the school sports committee. This helps to ensure that children have the opportunity to make suggests and become fully involved in the curriculum.
Long term and medium-term planning have been developed to suit the needs of the school. The curriculum coordinator will monitor lessons and associated short-term planning to ensure that short-term intending learning is effective. The coordinator will be available as a point of reference in the planning and delivery of an effective programme for Physical Education and will continue to attend courses which may help the school become more effective in the delivery of the Curriculum.